Endoscopic spine surgery
What is Endoscopic Spine Surgery?
Endoscopic Spine Surgery is the LEAST invasive spine surgical technique currently available to patients. It is even less invasive than many techniques that pain doctors often offer for the treatment of spine conditions.
It is an ultra-minimally invasive approach to the spine that utilizes 10 mm incisions (1 cm) that can be used to treat numerous conditions of the spine. It is similar to laparoscopic surgery in general surgery and arthroscopic surgery in orthopedics. Further, by using a ultra high-definition camera during surgery, surgical precision is maximized because even the finest anatomical details are able to visualized.
In this context, it has been shown to further minimize complications during surgery and to accelerate surgical recovery following spine surgery even when compared to traditional micro-invasive surgical techniques, including laser spine surgery.
Many surgeries that typically require hospitalizations following spine surgery can now safely be performed in an outpatient setting with spinal endoscopy. This means patients can go home the same day of surgery with minimal pain.
However, spinal endoscopy is technically challenging, and requires extensive training and skill to perform it well. Dr. Chung has trained with some of the world's experts on spinal endoscopy here in the US and in South Korea and is amongst a small percentage of spine surgeons in the United States currently offering this type of surgery to their patients.
Conditions we treat

MRI and intra-operative camera imaging of a >80 year old, initially considered a non surgical candidate, who underwent two-level spinal endoscopy for sciatica and back pain due to spinal stenosis (nerve pinching). He was able to go home the same day with minimal pain and complete resolution of his pre-operative pain.

Pictured here are <10 mm incisions following a 2-level surgery. Due to the ultra minimally invasive nature of spinal endoscopy, many spinal conditions can be addressed without the need for fusion.
Treatments we provide
Endoscopic Decompression and Microdiscectomy
Endoscopic lumbar and cervical decompressions and microdiscectomies are able to be performed utilizing small ports and specialized tools and camera equipment to allow for high precision with surgery. Specialized tools are used under direct camera visualization to unpinch the nerves or to remove a disc herniation. After surgery, you are left with an incision that is 1 cm or less in length.
Endoscopic Lumbar Fusion
Similarly, endoscopic fusions can be performed with use of small ports, specialized tools and camera equipment, along with computer navigation and/or robotics.

Outpatient Surgery
Many endoscopic spinal surgeries can be performed safely in an outpatient setting. This means you are able return home the same day of surgery.

A word from Dr. Chung
It is important to remember that not everybody is a candidate for endoscopic spine surgery and there is no one-size fits all procedure for everybody. In some instances, more traditional techniques are still best. With double fellowship training and further advanced training in endoscopic spine techniques, I have extensive experience in both traditional and the latest minimally invasive techniques as well as outpatient surgery. Let me help you decide which type of surgery is best for you.